Reduce stress, overcome Loneliness, Unlock inner Peace and start your day connected and aligned in just 30 minutes breathwork practice daily.
Transform your life with the 5 day guided breathwork practices
Every day from 6 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. CET you will learn a new Pranayama Yoga exercise guided live via Zoom and slowly build up a healing daily breathwork practice routine for yourself.
This online retreat gives you a space in which you can let go of stress and emotional blockages from everyday life, reconnect deeply with your body, mind and soul and go into the day with healthy self confidence, mindfulness and inner peace.
Meet your Instructor
Dr. Samir Mujagic is a dedicated philanthropist with a deep commitment to improving the lives of those affected by emotional stress and adversity.
His work is a blend of science, mysticism, compassion, and a deep understanding of the human experience. He integrates modern somatic practices with yogic wisdom, guiding individuals through processes that foster deep emotional release and physical relaxation. This holistic approach not only addresses the symptoms of emotional stress but also empowers people to reconnect with their true nature.
I am driven by a vision of a world where empathy, emotional intelligence and reconnection to the essence of life guide our interactions, and where emotional healing is accessible to all who seek it. Together, we can create spaces of safety, understanding, and growth.
*Doctor in Neuroscience, Emotional Health Coach, Certified Soma+IQ™ Breathwork Practitioner and Instructor, Pranayama Yoga Instructor and Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner.
“You radiate such calm and trust. I felt like I was being hugged. I could feel a beautiful, loving energy. After the retreat, I felt relaxed and so happy.
Thank you.”
Pranayama: The mystical power of breath
Pranayama is more than breathwork—it’s a doorway to the mystical. By mastering your breath, you tap into life’s subtle energies, harmonizing body, mind, and spirit. This ancient practice awakens inner wisdom, clears emotional blockages, and connects you to the limitless power within. Through pranayama, the ordinary becomes extraordinary as you discover the profound magic of simply breathing.
Awaken Breath Online Retreat Program
Time: 6.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. CET (Daily)
Location: Online via Zoom
Day 1: Awakening the Breath
• Introduction to Pranayama: Understand the ancient art of conscious breathing.
• Correct Breathing Techniques: Learn the foundation of optimal breath.
• Somatic Awareness Meditation: Tune into your body and cultivate inner awareness.
Day 2: Expanding Vitality
• Dirgha Pranayama: Explore the three-part breath for deep relaxation.
• Ujjayi Pranayama: Master the oceanic breath to calm the mind and energize the body.
Day 3: Activating Inner Energy
• Chit Shakti Pranayama: Awaken mental clarity and creativity.
• Bhramari Pranayama: Experience the soothing vibrations of the humming bee breath.
Day 4: Cleansing and Balancing
• Kapalabhati Pranayama: Cleanse and energize with this dynamic breathing practice.
• Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: Balance your energies with alternate nostril breathing.
Day 5: Integration and Transformation
• Kundalini Prana Kriya: Activate dormant energy and elevate your consciousness.
• Udgeeth Pranayama: Connect to peace with the chanting breath.
• Closing Sharing Circle: Reflect, share experiences, and integrate the journey.
Whats included
– 5 live sessions from 6:00pm – 8:30pm via Zoom
– Every morning a new pranayama exercise and guided meditation for inner peace.
– Video recordings of all Zoom sessions
– Illustrated Workbook with all practices
– Closing Ceremony + Sharing Circle
Participation fee for 5 live calls + recorded video material
*By booking this Online Retreat, I confirm that I have read and understood the waiver information for participation.
*Please read before booking a group session
Breathwork is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. It is not appropriate for pregnant women, for persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute infectious illness or epilepsy. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your physician(s). Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their physician(s).
By signing up for a session you agree to these terms:
I acknowledge that Breathwork is a deep and powerful process. It involves rapid and prolonged breathing that is designed to activate intense emotional responses. I have notified the practitioner of any physical injuries, mental or psychological conditions I have. I engage in this experience willingly and take full responsibility for my own physical, mental and emotional experiences during and after the session.
Attestation of good health:
I hereby confirm that I have read and understand the above information and attest that my general health is good to participate.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions or concerns.
© 2024 Dr. Samir Mujagic. All Rights Reserved.