Willkommen zum

breath : awakening | Online Kurs

Course Overview

Nachfolgend findest Du alle Kursvideos und Infomaterialien, die Tag für Tag für den nächsten Monat für Sie gepackt sind. Bitte lesen und machen Sie sich zunächst mit den allgemeinen Regeln und Verpflichtungen vertraut, bevor Sie den Kurs besuchen.

I wish you lots of fun with this course and send you peace and love,


Week 1

Video 1: Warm up

Video 2: Morning Routine

Video 3: Evening Routine

Week 2

Video 1: Morning Routine

Video 2: Evening Routine

Week 3

Video 1: Morning Routine

Video 2: Evening Routine

Week 4

Video 1: Morning Routine

Video 2: Evening Routine

Course Info!

Please read and get familiar with the general rules before starting the course. Its important that you follow and keep your commitment for the next 4 weeks to experience a change.

General Rules
  • Do the sessions each day in a chronological order for the next 4 weeks.
  • Don’t eat at least 1 hour before each session.
  • Don’t force yourself or push too much during the excercises. Pranayma is always done with loving kindness. If you feel any discomfort, then take it more easy, pause and relax.
  • Don’t do the stronger exercises if you suffer from HBP, epilepsy, serious heart problems, if you are pregnant, if you had an operation in the head or torso recently etc. Try to do the practice very gently or not at all.
  • Be kind and patient towards yourself.
Your commitment for the coming 4 weeks
  • Do one session in the morning and one in the evening a day to experience the change at the end of the week.
  • Take cold showers in the morning to boost your immune system and to strengthen your will power.
  • Eat healthy and moderate and avoid processed food, alcohol and drugs. Try a vegetarian based diat in the next 4 weeks.
  • Stay hydratet and drink 2 liter of water a day.
  • Try to see everything with more awarness during this weak. Pay attention to the subtle things around you and try to smile with your heart.
What you will learn in this course
  • Deeper understanding about your habits and the power of the breath & heart.
  • Creating a healthy daily routine to activate your selfhealing powers and giving you clarity for the day.
  • Powerful movement, breathwork & meditation techniques.
  • Using the power of the heart to create a better life.

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